Parishes: Shelford | British History Online (2024)


Doomsday, Scelford.

There was in this Place of Roger de Buslie's Fee, Soc to Bingham, as much aspaid the Geld for three Bov. The Land was one Car. But the most of it was the Feeof Goisford de Alselin, (fn. 1) who succeeded Tochi, a great Saxon Owner in this County,who was rated before the Conquest for his Manor in Scelford, to the Dane Gelt, at fourCar. The Land of it was eight Car. when the Conqueror took his Survey. Therewere thirty-six Vill. twelve Bord. having nine Car. and one Mill 4s. and one Piscarry.There were a Priest and a Church. In the Confessor's Time the Value of this was8l. then but 4l. It had Soc in Newton, Ouetorpe, Chenatorpe, and Carlentune.

(fn. 2) This Barony was very antiently divided, and a Priory of Canons, regular of St.Austin's, founded here; to which King Stephen granted immunity from Toll.

(fn. 3) Ralph Halselin, in the 5th Steph. gave an Account of two hundred Marks ofSilver, and one Mark of Gold, for the Relief of his Father's Land; and the sameYear, Robert de Cauz, and Walter his Son, gave Account of one hundred Marks ofSilver, and one Mark of Gold, for the Grant of the Land of Leowin Chidde. (fn. 4) Inthe 7th H. 2. Raph Hanselin, and Robert de Cauz, had Pardon for each 20l. In 8.H. 2. Raph Hanselin had 25 Knight's Fees, and Robert de Cauz fifteen; and so theywere constantly rated through the Reign of Henry the Second.

(fn. 5) In the Suit between William Bardolf, and Adam de Everingham, for the Patronage of this Monastry, 42 H. 3. William Bardolf pleaded, that Raph Hanselin, hisAncestor, whose Heir he was, in the Time of King Henry, Grandfather of the thenKing Henry the Third, founded that Priory, and enfeoffed it of all his Lands inShelford, and divers other Lands. Adam would have his Ancestor Robert de Cauz,Founder, because the Canons presented a certain Person to John de Birking, Grandfather of the said Adam, whose Heir he was: but the Jury found for William Bardolf,and he was the true Patron, and that it was founded by Raph Haunselin; and indeedBardolf's Moiety, of all or most of their Churches, (fn. 6) was appropriated to this Prioryof Shelford; as Gedling, in this County, and Westborough, and Dodington, in Lincolneshire,and the like; for it appears that the said William and Adam, had each a Moiety of theBarony of Shelford, (fn. 7) and their Courts there; but because by Degrees the Priorybecame possessed of it, will not be amis to make further mention of the Family ofBardolf, in Stoke, (fn. 8) and of Everingham, in Laxton, which continued longer to theirPosterities.

(fn. 9) The Court now kept at Cotgrave, formerly belonging to the Prior of St. John'sof Ferusalem, in the Year 1292, by Peter de Hacch'm, then Master and Lieutenant ofthe Prior, was called their Court of Shelford.

(fn. 10) William the Prior, and the Convent of Shelford, granted to the Prior and Conventof Thurgarton, that they and all Passengers should have a Way through the Middle oftheir Meadow of Ogheng, and the Ditch of the said Meadow without Difficulty, forwhich Purpose they would find a Bridge, from Martinmas till the beginning of May, ifneed were, and would not challenge any Title in the Moiety of Gunthorpe Ferry, byreason of that Way; for which Way their Brethren of Thurgarton were to pay 3s. perAnnum.

Parishes: Shelford | British History Online (1)

(fn. 11) There was an Agreement made between the said two Houses, concerning theDifferences about Tythes, and other Things, in Crophill, and Tytheby, by Walter,Archdeacon of Carliel, by Authority from Pope Innocent 4, in the third Year of hisPapacy.

(fn. 12) Raph Illingworth, 19 E. 4. suffered a Recovery of the Manors of Boney andShelford.

(fn. 13) But King Henry the Eighth, 24th of November, in the 29th Year of his Reign,by his Letters Patent, granted the House and Scite of the Priory and Alms-houses,&c. within it, and one hundred and sixty-four Acres of Land, thirty of Meadow, andsixty of Pasture, with the Appurtenances, to Michael Stanhope, Esq. and Anne hisWife, and the Heirs Males of Michael; as he did also, 5 February, 31 H. 8. (amongstother Things) (fn. 14) the Manor of Shelford, and the Rectories of the Parish Churches ofShelford, Saxendale, Gedling, Burton-Joys, and North-Muskham, and all Manors, Mess.Lands, and Tenements, &c. in Shelford, Saxendale, Newton, Brigford, Gunthorp, Lowdham, Cathorpe, Horingham, Bulcote, Gedling, Carleton, Stoke, Lamcote, Flintham, LongCollingham, Cawnton, the Town of Nottingham, Newarke, Burton-Joys, and NorthMuskham, in this County, late belonging to this Monastry of Shelford, paying 119l.per Annum.

(fn. 15) This Michael was second Son of Sir Edward Stanhope, of Rampton, by his firstWife Adelina, the Daughter of Sir Gervas Clifton; his second was Elizabeth, Daughterof Fulc. Bourchier Lord Fitz-Warin, by whom he had a Daughter named Anne,married to Edward Duke of Somerset, Lord Protector of Edward the Sixth, in whoseCause this Sir Michael Stanhope lost his Head, but left the beginning of a fair Estate,which his Son Sir Thomas, and the rest of his Posterity have well increased.

In Shelford Church.—Here lyeth the body of the Lady Anne Stanhope, wydowe,daughter to Nicholas Rawson, of Aveley, in the County of Essex, Esquire, late wife toSir Michaell Stanhope, Knight; which Lady Anne deceased the 20. of Febr. anno.1587. Vivit post funera virtus.

Over above the Tomb on the Wall, is,—The Epitaphe of Sir Michael Stanhope, Knt.whilest he lived, Governour of Hull, under the late King of famous memory H. 8. andchief Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to the late Noble and good King, E. 6. By SirMichael she had these children, Sir Thomas Stanhope, of Shelford in the County ofNott. Knight; Elenor married to Thomas Cooper of Thurgarton in Com. Nott. Esq.Edward Stanhope, Esq. one of his Majesties Council in the North parts of England;Juhan married to John Hotham of Scoreborough in Com. Eborum, Esquire; JohnStanhope Esquire, one of the Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber to our most deareSoveraigne Lady Q. Elizabeth; Jane married to Sir Roger Towneshend of Eyamin Com. York. Edward Stanhope, Doctor of the Civile Law, one of her MajestiesHigh Court of Chancery; Michaell Stanhope, Esquire, one of the Privy Chamber toQueen Elizabeth; besides Margaret, William, and Edward, who died in theirinfancy. The said Lady Anne Stanhope, lived wydowe thirty-five years, in whichtime brought up all her younger Children in vertue and learning, whereby they werepreferred to the marriages and callings before recited in her lifetime. She kept continually a worshipful house, relieved the poor daily, gave good countenance and comfort tothe Preachers of Gods Word; spent the most of the time of her latter daies, in Prayer,and using the Church where Gods Word was preached; she being—old, she died20th. day of February, a°. 1587. the thirtieth year of the Reign aforesaid, in the Faithof Christ, with hope of a joyfull Resurrection.

Upon a smaller Tomb close by.—Here lieth Beatrix Rauston, widowe, daughter of SirPhilip Cooke, Knight, of Essex, who departed 14 January 1554. She was Mother ofthe Lady Stanhope.

Sir Thomas Stanhope married Margaret, Daughter and Co-heir of Sir John Port,by Elizabeth, only Daughter of Sir Thomas Gifford, of Chillington, and Dorothy, oneof the three Daughters and Co-heirs of Sir John Montegomery, of Cubley, in Darbyshire, by whom he had Sir John Stanhope, Father of Philip, created Earl of Chesterfield by King James, and other Children, as Anne, Wife of John Hollis, Lord Houghton,and Earl of Clare, Edward and Thomas Stanhope. Sir John had very many Children,Philip his eldest Son, the first Earl, out-lived Henry Lord Stanhope, his Son, whomarried—the eldest Daughter and Co-heir of Edward Lord Wotton, of BoctonMalherbe, in Kent, by whom he had Philip, the present Earl, whose first Wife was—the Daughter of Algernon, Earl of Northumberland; his second Elizabeth, Daughter ofJames Duke of Ormond; by whom he hath a Daughter Elizabeth; and his third Wifeis Elizabeth, Daughter of — the Earl of Caernarvan, by whom he hath Sons,Philip Lord Stanhope, Charles, &c.

The House was a Garrison for the King, and commanded by Col. Philip Stanhope,Son of the first Earl, and uncle of this, which being taken by Storm, he and many ofhis Soldiers were therein slain, and the House afterwards burned. Ferdinando Stanhope,his Brother, was slain at Bridgeford, doing a charitable Office, in commanding Assistancefor the quenching a House there on fire by Accident, by a Parliament Soldier, somewhile before. Mr. William Stanhope, Servant of the present Earl, and Son ofWilliam Stanhope, of Linby, his great Uncle, is now making some Building to theWalls, which stood after the Fire.

In Shelford Church, upon the Tomb, is for Sir Michael Stanhope, Quarterly Ermineand Gules, quartering Mallovel, Longvillers, &c. impaling Sable a Castle Argent.

This Family of Stanhope before used the Coat of Lungvillers, viz. Sable a Bendbetween six Crosse Crosletts Arg. for their paternal Coat, as in Tuxford, Newstede, andother Places may be observed.

On a new Tomb in the Chancel is thus inscribed.—Expecting a Glorious Resurrection,Neare to this place resteth the body of Katherine, one of the Daughters of FrancisLord Hastings, eldest son to George Earl of Huntingdon, first wife to Philip LordStanhope of Shelford, and Earl of Chesterfield, which Katherine departed this life the 28day of August, An. 1636, leaving issue eleven sons, viz. John (who died without issue,and lieth here interred) Henry, Thomas, Edward, Charles, Francis, and Ferdinando,both also interred in this place; Michael and Philip here likewise buried; George andArthur, and two daughters, viz. Sarah and Elizabeth; which Henry taking to WifeKatherine, daughter and Co-heir of Thomas [Edw.] Lord Wotton of Bocton, in Kent,had issue by her two sons, viz. Wotton (who died young) and Philip now Earl ofChesterfield, and two daughters Mary and Elizabeth. [Katherine.]

This smale Monument is dedicated to the memory of his deare Mother by ArthurStanhope her youngest son, who hath done the like in the Church of St. Giles in theSuburbs of London for his deare father; which Arthur having wedded Anne, one of thedaughters of Sir Henry Salisbury of Lawenny in the county of Denbigh, Knight andBaronet, by Elizabeth his Wife, daughter to Sir John Vaughan of Golden Grove in theCounty of Caermarthen, Knight, hath had issue three sons, and one daughter, viz.Philip and Henry, who both died young, Charles and Katherine now living.

[Throsby] Shelford

Lordship contains about 2500 acres of inclosed land, owned wholly by theEarl of Chesterfield, who is Lord of the Manor.

The village is not an inconsiderable place. In a vault, in the church, (which has atower steeple with five bells) are deposited the remains of the accomplished LordChesterfield, whose character and writings are pretty generally known.

The living is reputed to be worth scarcely 50l. per annum, which is in the hands ofthe Rev. Thomas Bigsby. Patron, the Earl of Chesterfield. Bacon calls it a chapelonly, dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul. Near the village stands the old manorhouse, which stood a siege during the civil war in the last century; and it is said, thatthose who were not destroyed and could not escape, were brought prisoners to Binghamchurch. Near this dwelling stands an alms-house and chapel, built and endowed byan ancestor of the noble family, the owners of Shelford. It was built for six men,batchelors or widowers, who had each a house, garden, and orchard, coals, twoshillings a week, and a cap and a coat yearly. The number of objects are now reducedto four, chosen out of the parishes of Bingham, Gedling, and Shelford, by their respectiverectors: Bingham rector nominates two, and the others one each.

A whimsical and puzzling inscription is put on four sides of a long square stone in thechurch-yard. It is engraved on the preceding plate, fig. 3. (fn. 16)

The fac faniies of the hand-writing, in the same plate, are taken from a very curiousaccount of the burial of Sir Thomas Stanhope: the original paper is now in mypossession. The following is a copy:

"Sir Thomas Stanhope, of Shelford, in com. Nott. Knight, married Margarett, 3ddaughter and one of the heires of Sir John Porte, of Etwall, in com. Derb. Knighte,and by her had yssue John Stanhope, Esq. his eldest sonn and heire; Edward Stanhope,second sonn, Thomas Stanhope, third sonn, Anne married to Sir John Hollis, (2) ofHonghon (2) in com. Nott. Knighte. The said Sir Thomas Stanhope after many yearsworshipfully spent, went the waye of all fleshe, the third daye of August, 1596, at hishouse called Stoke, in com. Nott. and was from thence conveighed to his mannor-houseof Shelford aforesaide, and then into this churche, beinge worshipfully accompanied;his body was bured the xxvii of September next followinge, at wch. buriall John Stanhope, Esq. his sonne and heire was chief mournor, Sir John Hollis, Knighte, Mr.Edward Stanhope, Mr. Doctor Stanhope, Mr. Mychell Stanhope, Esq. was assistants:his standard borne by William Cooper, Esq. borne by Edward Stanhope hissecond sonn. The helme and croft borne by Yorke Heranld, his coate, sworde, andtarge was borne by Clarencienle Kinge of Armes of that province, who had themarshallinge and orderinge of the same buryall. In witness that all this is trewe, wehave set our hands hereunto, the daye of the buryall aforesaid."

Parishes: Shelford | British History Online (2024)


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