The Great Cape Leap [Worm Soviet PRT Planquest] Superhero (2024)

For most of the history of the USSR, Five-Year Plans were developed in closed offices behind heavy oak doors. As a scientific justification for the possibility, the percentages of enterprises and the general direction of development - all this was never fully public. In the case of the XIV Five-Year Plan, which was to cover the period from 1996 to 2000, serious changes were made.

Due to the constant growth of the Presidium of the Central Committee and their rather vague powers in the new Constitution, they constantly subjugated the "everyday" tasks of ministries and deputies over the past few years. This caused concern on the part of the "democratic" camp about the constant and consistent reduction in the power of the People's Deputies. However, the Westerners had a significant ally, and therefore, when coordinating with Eduard Shevardnadze, a decision was made to organize the five-year plan in a completely new way.

The end result for you – as well as for a huge number of ministries, committee heads and other organizations – was the need to speak at a multi-day session of the USSR parliament.

Given the youth of your ministry, you were not expected to participate in many discussions in a meaningful way. You occupy only a small share of the country's finances, you have a good reputation, and finally, your sphere of responsibility is extremely limited. So no one is surprised that you are on the sidelines of major political issues.

As you might guess, the Congress of People's Deputies is quite diverse in its beliefs, even if most of its members are representatives of the CPSU with a small number of representatives of other parties and non-party members. However, due to extremely low party discipline and a large number of independent deputies, the actual groups do not closely coincide with the electoral lists. Most politicians in the USSR have minimal experience, and the very concept of mass "people's" deputies hits even harder at the basic political literacy of deputies.

Because of the political weathervane of the deputies, it is quite easy to influence them with dramatic and politically loud images, which do not have many numbers or political influence, but a lot of "brightness". In relation to you, you could identify five main groups that are worth paying attention to.

The first group does not have a full-fledged leader or even a structure in general, representing a fairly large mass of undecided or disinterested politicians and officials. For them, you are more of an interesting toy or a source of slight irritation, but even they recognize the need for some regulation of parahumans. True, from their point of view, you should not have any right to vote and influence on decision-making on a national scale. Your organization is still too young for this.

The second group has formed around the current Minister of Internal Affairs Boris Pugo. After the political collapse of Dmitry Yazov and his quick resignation, he retains the most powerful political post in his hands and has the position of a conservative radical. They can be conventionally called siloviki, but this is just a convention.

There is a wide range of views here, from the most radical revolutionary to simple old Soviet conservatism. However, the general opinion of this faction follows the dynamics of the ongoing Cold War, in the end of which they do not believe and probably never will. Not so numerous, but have wide vertical and horizontal connections, representing a patchwork quilt of conservatism in the USSR. At least you do not try to conflict with them and establish control over their activities, so they are ready to cooperate with you.

The third group is also traditional - reformers. This is a fairly moderate group, supported by President Gorbachev and Eduard Shevardnadze. They advocate slow reforms of the USSR with the main emphasis on the economic, not the political situation in the country. One of their achievements, for example, is the launch of an electronic system, the successor to OGAS, albeit in a slightly different format from the original. They have an equally broad coalition from idealists to Soviet black market leaders, but their ideology is even more broken. In many ways they want to "do the same, only better." They have mixed feelings about your performance, but as long as you have patrons in high places, you're safe.

The fourth group emerged, in fact, only about ten years ago and represents all pro-Western representatives in parliament. This is a heterogeneous group, in which there is no unity - liberals striving for the liberalization of the country's political life, supporters of the capitalist economic model, social democrats advocating for a reduction in tension, and many others. They are quite well-disposed towards you, since the very fact of the existence of major relations with the United States shows the correctness of their path. This is also helped by the presence of more personal connections. There are three major politicians in this group - the mayor of Leningrad Sobchak, the "architect of Perestroika" Yakovlev and head of the city administration of Moscow Popov. The latter is your close friend from Moscow work, and therefore you can probably gain general influence on the group through Gavriil Popov.

The fifth group is the most difficult. It is part of the general "political disorganization" of the Congress of People's Deputies. A product of the simplicity of elections and a very large number of seats, as well as a general direction to reduce the average age of a deputy. They are the biggest source of problems for you. They can be called "parahuman loyalists". They are enthusiastic fans. They are a group of futurists, science fiction writers and simply technological optimists who see parahuman powers as a way to build communism or apple trees on Mars. From their point of view, the use of incredible powers by humans has never been a problem. It was a question, and the answer is "yes". It only remains to find the right parahuman and give him enough resources to solve the problem. So they always have many ready-made plans on how to solve the global problem if you give parahumans, or more precisely the MPA, more resources and authority. Unfortunately, their plans are completely insane and just describing them causes headaches for other groups. However, they are the only ones whose consent you will not have to fight for.


As part of the discussion of the XIV Five-Year Plan, there are several groups that you will have to deal with. Each group has its own attitude towards you, and you can influence how these groups will treat you when making decisions.

By accepting a position shared by a faction, you get +2 to your attitude towards them. However, you get -1 to your attitude towards all other factions.

The exception is the Paraloyalists. Their attitude towards you is always positive and cannot fall below 0, but accepting their proposals makes you get -2 to your attitude towards all major factions. However, abruptly rejecting all their ideas may lead to them regrouping and changing their minds by the next five years.

Starting attitude towards factions:
Conservatives: 0
Siloviki: +1
Reformers: +2
Westerners: +2
Paraloyalists: about +infinity


"The next issue on the agenda of the Congress of People's Deputies is the question of whether the Ministry of Parahuman Activity has its own security forces," the chairman of the parliament slowly reads out your role, and then the declaration of opinions on this issue begins.

While it is generally expected that you should have such capabilities to create your own armed units, you are stuck in a strange half-baked position. You lead dozens of people with the fighting capabilities of entire armies, but at the same time you cannot command ordinary armed men in armored vehicles. You are a civilian minister in a military position. You are a military commander without access to the General Staff and military intelligence. You are Schrödinger's minister and it is time to open one of the boxes.

"First, let me note that the USSR has no need to create any structures parallel to the regular Internal Troops. Our Armed Forces and the Ministry of Internal Affairs have proven their effectiveness and dedication to the cause of protecting our socialist system. While parahumans do pose a challenge that we are not yet fully prepared for, it would be wiser to strengthen existing units with additional funding and resources, and to oblige them to cooperate with the Protectorate in crisis situations.

Secondly, it is important to understand that encounters with criminal parahumans are not common. Such cases are rare and cannot justify the existence of an entire Union-wide organization focused solely on this problem. We must approach security issues rationally and economically, especially in these difficult times. It is better to direct resources to strengthening our army and special services, which already have the experience and infrastructure to combat any threats.

I think we all understand that changes and adaptation to new conditions are necessary. However, I am sure that this should happen gradually and under the control of the state…"

From the speech of the deputy and Minister of Internal Affairs Boris Pugo.

After this, a massive discussion began for several hours. The Internal Forces had a somewhat bad reputation after the bloody suppression of separatism in the Baltics, Georgia and Armenia. The lack of troops themselves and the general emphasis on "internal army" rather than "heavy police" led to harsher responses to aggression than many deputies would find adequate. In fact, the brutality of these actions led to the collapse of Dmitry Yazov as Minister of Defense. One way or another, but now the parties offered their opinions on this issue.

The opinion of the "army group" was quite clear. Pugo insisted on continuing the current policy, when the MPA deals with "guys and girls in tights", and the work in the fields is left to ordinary policemen. The internal troops needed to be reformed, but first of all, maintaining the general direction of activity and simply re-equipping them with equipment more suitable for suppressing riots.

They were opposed for quite a long time by several MPs from the coalition of reformers and Westerners. Probably in a better world these groups would have been united, but in this case the groups spent no less time arguing among themselves due to the personal animosity of several interested parties. For the most part, this was to your advantage, as it prevented the general influence from pushing an opinion without taking you into account. However, it was unpleasant to show Invincible in front of a large audience for the first time, when she had to break up a fight.

This in turn inspired some deputies and they began to entice a number of conservatives who liked the girl's actions to their side. The "paraloyalists" came forward with a proposal not only to follow in the wake of the need to reform the Internal Forces, they generally pointed out the impossibility of modern society existing without new technologies and new systems that would face the threats of Behemoth and hostile parahumans. And to do this, it is necessary not only to transfer additional forces to the MPA, but also to lift any restrictions on participation in any scientific research for your ministry.

After that, hell began. Right before your speech. On this issue, the parties are heavily divided and the inert mass will follow you. Almost all the speakers screwed up to one degree or another, and the conservatives and "siloviki" do not have enough support to do things on their own. Moreover, they squabbled over the budget and spending on the Internal Troops, since many conservatives value new factories more than new tanks. So, it's your turn:

Choose one option:
[] [Conservatives] - The MPA will gain temporary control over the USSR Internal Forces to combat parahuman crime. The Internal Forces will remain in their current form and with the same funding.
[] [Siloviki] - The Internal Forces will receive additional funding to re-equip them to combat parahuman threats, and will also be required to cooperate with you.
[] [Reformers] - The MPA will receive its own security services, which will be used as a platform for possible retraining of the USSR Internal Forces. The fate of the Internal Forces will be decided later.
[] [Westerners] - The MPA will receive its own security services, copied from the PRT fighters due to the similarity of the tasks facing them. The Internal Troops will be partially reformed, the best parts will be transferred to the MPA.
[] [Paraloyalists] - MPA will receive its own security services, including the entire legacy of the Internal Forces along with their property and a complete carte blanche to open the parahuman Pandora's box to strengthen them.


The second issue that came up for consideration was your failure to arrive in Jakarta on time during the Behemoth attack. When something similar happened in New York, the attack lasted for over two days. However, when the attack lasts only a few hours, you have trouble getting to your destination. Unlike the situation above, this was a conversation after the end of the day, when several dozen deputies and various assistants remained to prepare for the new day. It was clear that the current position would affect the order of discussions of the relevant committees in the future, even if it did not directly affect the deputies now. And the conversation was interesting.

"The USSR has neither the resources nor the need to create a separate type of transport for such needs. Especially for such a young ministry, whose need for us is still not determined," Mikhail Sokolov, a deputy from Magnitogorsk, consistently criticized almost any issue related to strengthening your ministry. Problematic Conservative, "While they certainly need transport, we may as well just give them a few AN-124s. Maybe even AN-225s if they need ultra-high payloads."

You called your subordinate over and quickly got the summary, reading the data on these aircraft. The AN-124 is a large military transport aircraft, and the AN-225 is a super-large aircraft of the same type, a real giant. Only two of the latter were built in the USSR. You could easily work with this. Meanwhile, a new young face, unfortunately unfamiliar to you, joined the conversation in the hallway.

"That doesn't eliminate the need for rapid response, does it? The response time to an event on the other side of the world will still take hours. We have Tu-144s that we are not currently using. If they are refitted for the needs of the ministry, they will be able to deliver parahumans to another region of the world much faster."

This proposal was already somewhat more problematic. The Tu-144 is a passenger supersonic airliner, the Soviet equivalent of the Concorde. True, you will have to work with an extremely limited capacity and takeoff weight, as well as strict restrictions on the runway.

"My comrades from the Ministry of Defense and I have long been working on the possibility of building a ramjet nuclear engine. After the events in Afghanistan, we wanted to build a super-fast aircraft with an unlimited fuel supply, something like several weeks in flight. Parahumans can solve the radiation issue. The question hung in the air, but recently the Hero from American rag heroes showed up with a literally redesigned SLAM. I propose to bring up for discussion the issue of a nuclear transport aircraft, an experimental series in work with the MPA." One of General Varennikov's deputies spoke. You crossed paths while working on operations in Afghanistan.

You needed to seek advice to find out what exactly they had in mind. It turns out that they were talking about the Supersonic Low-Altitude Missile, an alternative to the nuclear-powered ballistic missiles of the sixties. Of course, with a modification into an airplane and the ability to carry cargo. But nevertheless, it was still a project of such a scale that only the Ministry of Defense could afford it. Even with limited forces, they still had a lot of influence and finances.

"The Ministry of Defense project really deserves attention, but we are missing the right point of view," Viktor Markov, a representative of Zelenograd, one of the most prominent pro-Western deputies, was now speaking, "Why the hell should we invest public funds in another "one and only" project? Hero dealt with radioactive waste, and therefore we should develop cooperation along the Protectorate line. We will offer our help and put pressure on the requirements for similar transport for us. Anything is better than building new seaplanes."

You did not even need to comment on anything here. It's not that you understood half the debates going on about aviation, but the position itself required you to nod and sit there looking smart. Having a cape that could kill everyone in the room made the discussions surprisingly polite.

"The esteemed parliamentarians put forward their proposals, but I noted that they were all monstrously limited. All the proposals so far were related to aviation," these were the words of a representative from Tomsk, a very strange woman. "We have a gradually aging Mir station in orbit. We just discussed the issues of financing space and the impossibility of conducting relevant experiments on the station. We also have Buran, it will obviously fly again and in series. So why not create a permanent rapid response contingent in space? It is always faster to descend from there than to fly from anywhere in the USSR."

Orbital landing vehicles for your ministry? Together with the infrastructure? It sounded, of course, quite tempting... But even you immediately recognize the utter madness of such a concept.

However, what is your word?

Choose one option:
[] [Conservatives] - Use of existing USSR transport aircraft.
[] [Siloviki] - Create a nuclear transport aircraft project in conjunction with the Ministry of Defense.
[] [Reformers] - Re-equipment of the Tu-144 for your needs.
[] [Westerners] - Create a SLAM project in conjunction with the American Protectorate.
[] [Paralyalists] - Orbital drop landing system of parahumans.


The next day, the issue of imprisonment for parahumans arose. A problematic issue, since their imprisonment requires many precautions that are extremely difficult to ensure. The reason is quite simple - the powers of many parahumans are innate to them, and they cannot be separated. So how can they be kept in places of imprisonment if they are capable of rebelling at any moment and trying to break out?

"Dear comrades,

Today I want to raise a topic that affects not only our domestic policy, but also our international obligations and humanitarian principles. The issue of criminals with parahuman powers and their places of imprisonment has become one of the main problems we face in the conditions of the new world. The so-called "supervillains" are a challenge that we must overcome. And yet, I wanted to remind you of a few things.

First of all, let me remind you that the Soviet Union has always stood guard over the principles of humanism and socialist legality. These principles must remain fundamental to our actions, even when we face new and difficult challenges, such as supervillains. We must ensure justice and the rule of law for all, including those with superpowers.

In this regard, I strongly oppose the death penalty for parahuman criminals. By supporting agreements with the United States and the United Nations, we demonstrate our commitment to international norms and values. The death penalty not only contradicts the spirit of socialist humanism, but also does not solve the problem of the root causes of crime. We must seek more humane and effective ways to combat this threat.

The detention of people with parahuman abilities requires a special approach. We must create specialized prisons equipped with the necessary means to safely hold such prisoners. In these institutions, we must also provide conditions for their rehabilitation and eventual return to society, if possible.

Our socialist society must set an example of how to combine strict control and humanism, ensuring the safety of citizens and respect for human rights. We cannot allow fear and vindictiveness to guide our actions. Instead, we must act based on our ideals and convictions…"

Part of the speech of Eduard Shevardnadze and his "letter of 50 academicians" who also spoke out in favor of maintaining the moratorium on the death penalty in the USSR.

This was an understandable move on the part of Shevardnadze. The prohibition of the death penalty sharply added political points to him and especially to Gorbachev, which greatly influenced the lending of the USSR in the West. In general, the reform of the legislation of the USSR in a direction much more adequate for capitalist countries became an important factor in reconciliation, after some conflicts around the Baltics and Germany. This is his important political achievement, even if he only achieved a permanent moratorium instead of a full-fledged abolition.

However, all this aura of academics and intellectuals has never been to the liking of radicals, and therefore many still adhere to the "capital punishment" for criminals. Society is frightened by things like the Red Gates Incident. Even if control over newspapers allows one to avoid public discussion, people constantly talk about it in kitchens and smoking rooms. And now, under the question of parahumans, the "siloviki" are shaking a chair under Shevardnadze, trying to achieve some exceptions to the moratorium on the death penalty.

However, conservatives are joining this game on a completely different side, offering a plan in the style of "out of sight, out of mind". Against the background of reducing the severity of some crimes and simplifying amnesty, more people are released from many isolated remote prisons than are imprisoned. Instead of maintaining a number of unprofitable places, they want to transfer all this to the MPA with the means to ensure security "by all necessary measures". It is difficult for you to say who exactly is behind this, but on this issue, people do not want to conflict with Shevardnadze. Maybe they wouldn't mind killing a couple of "freaks", but it would be better if they tried to escape.

A delegate from the Academy of Sciences is clearly a protégé of the reformers. After all, you coordinated his text yesterday. This is a fairly simple and consistent set of factors that indicated the impossibility of keeping parahumans in modern USSR prisons. This does not mean that they cannot be kept and you have research that confirms the possibility. You just need a larger prison with the latest technology. The speech is not met with applause, but it clearly gets to the minds of many deputies. There are many doubts, but this is an interesting way out for many. The question is almost adopted, when instead of support you receive a severe blow from the mayor of Leningrad.

"But should the USSR limit itself to unilateral participation in such projects? The US is already planning to create a prison complex under the temporary name "Birdcage". However, their project envisages one prison complex with no possibility of release, the last point for parahumans, which creates a problem. If both men and women are in a prison from which it is impossible to get out, then soon they will have children, and this is a problem from any legal point of view. And it is unlikely that they will go for sterilization of prisoners. Even under Stalin they did not do this, it smells of fascism. So why don't we separate the flows of prisoners? Let the men be imprisoned in the USSR, and the women in the US. Or vice versa. We will agree in practice."

Because of this, huge new disputes begin. From the very fact of sending prisoners across the ocean and back to the legal approval of an international prison. However, this brings confusion, because many see the possibility of agreements with the US as a reduction in financial and practical risks. Yes, your Ministry has shown itself well, but bending the fingers of the strongest parahumans in the world, four fingers will be given to the heroes from the USA. They understand something in this matter and even conservatives understand it.

After this, one of the young deputies climbs out and suggests sending criminals to penal detachments instead of prison. You just shake your head. During Perestroika, a mass discussion of the history of the USSR began, as towards the mistakes of all general secretaries in the past before Stalin's revision and the return of some name to him. Yes, the representative of the paraloyalists is clearly one of the young "Stalinists" and thus received many respectful nods from conservatives who would never have said such a scandalous thing, but inside were not against repeating the successful experiences of the past. Use suicide parahumans against Behemoth? You haven't even thought about it. And how are you supposed to control them? Put explosive collars on them? What's worse is another political mess. Some MPs are already looking at you, with the authority of your Ministry, your underground deals and Invincible behind you.

Choose one option:
[] [Conservatives] - A network of prisons in the polar regions of the country for imprisoning parahumans.
[] [Siloviki] - Authorization of the death penalty for most parahumans.
[] [Reformers] - Creation of a special prison complex for parahumans.

[] [Westerners] - Creation of a special prison complex for parahumans in conjunction with the United States.
[] [Paraloyalists] - Suicide Squad, but from parahumans.


When it was time for a break, you were one of the first to go outside. You needed to get more information and breathe out after the heavy and stuffy hall of the massive Kremlin building. While you smoked away from the crowd at the entrance, your assistants collected information on the main deputies who spoke out against parahumans in general.

Also causing significant problems was Gorshkov, a deputy literally from a closed military city who pushed for strict restrictions on any transfers of weapons and access for civilians. Initially, you thought that this was the military's reluctance to let anyone into closed cities like Vidyaevo or Arzamas-16, but then you realized that the man, although charismatic, personally hated "soft bureaucrats". A young woman like you could not get such a post except through bed, which he constantly hinted at. Asshole.

You calmed your nerves and thought about which of the deputies to contact in case the complaints continued. The policy of closed cities will probably be cancelled, so you have the resources to put pressure, but the very fact of discussing personalities instead of facts was unpleasant. The problem is that the deputies now decided issues regarding the provision of budgets for development, which means that you did not just need to draw pretty figures, you needed to sell them your ministry.

You had reformers by basic loyalty. They ruled the USSR and this would not change in the next year, and therefore for consistent support of their positions you could count on maintaining your position. Pro-Western and even democratic deputies saw your rhetoric, youth and ability to negotiate, and therefore many votes would be received only along this line, without taking into account the authority of the head of Moscow. The KGB and Pugo will not harshly break your position until you directly climb into actions against them, so this flank was covered. Only conservatives and undecided remained, both groups are not very happy. They don't like the free and soft budget format of the MPAs management, where funds are first allocated, and then the ministry thinks about where to use it. A critical note distracts you from your thoughts.

"A doctor! The man is unwell!" a voice is heard behind you, "Call an ambulance!"

You turn towards the voice, as do several dozen other people in the corridor of the massive parliament building. An elderly man in a jacket is slowly sliding down the wall, clutching his heart and gasping for air. Most of the people gathered stood motionless, while you recognized this man. It was deputy Gorshkov, who suddenly developed heart problems.

You took out a satellite phone, a rarity and a rarity beyond reach, but immediately turned it back off. Someone got to the security post and called a doctor on a landline. The Kremlin had its own medical center, so in a few minutes medical assistance is going to be provided to the man. It's a pity that Koschei had a day off that day, saving the enemy of the parahumans with his forces would have been just great for your authority.

You manage to squeeze past the woman who was walking towards you, and before you can take a couple of steps towards Gorshkov, she says:

"Wait, you dropped this!"

You turn towards the woman and quickly take the sheet of paper from her. A young woman, who was barely twenty years old, in a business suit. Slightly dark skin, you would assume that she was from some Transcaucasian republic or an exotic migrant from Moscow or Leningrad. More likely the latter, judging by the trousers and a small typical felt hat. Capitals of revolutions have always been distinguished by somewhat more extravagant fashion.

The sheet of paper even ended up in your hands, and you are even grateful that she gave it to you. There were several mentions of classified information on this sheet, and you did not want to make excuses for the loss. You even wanted to thank the woman, but she was nowhere to be found. It was not surprising in the crowd, but you wanted to convey your gratitude to her boss.

Several people fussing around the deputy stop their work. A quiet voice is heard:

"He's had enough, there's no help for him anymore."


Despite Gorshkov's death, the session of the Congress of People's Deputies began with a delay of only thirty minutes, which can be considered without delay. The next project was stretched out for several hours, involving not only deputies, but also additional security. The cameras were turned off, and the microphones were disconnected. The session touched on secret topics, albeit at the most superficial level, but the maximum that was allowed was to take notes by hand. Many recalled forgotten shorthand skills.

Defense Minister Vladimir Lobov spoke. You can say little about this person, the general characteristic is "confident functionary". He is not bad in his official and bureaucratic role, but you are absolutely sure that after the major crisis of 88-92 and especially the role of the authorities of Yazov and Kryuchkov, no one wants to appoint "heavy" politicians to the security agencies. Lobov was a rather inconspicuous politician, and therefore this speech is his opportunity to push through a political decision that no one would otherwise let him make. He needs to gain legitimacy in the army, and therefore he stands before the deputies with a piece of paper.


Today I am addressing you on an issue that is of both strategic and social importance for our great Motherland. We are faced with the need to reduce the term of service for conscripts. We are tentatively considering the value from 24 to 18 months. This decision is due to changes in the global geopolitical situation and requires a deep understanding of our defense doctrine and mobilization features in the new conditions.

First of all, let me remind you of the traditional Soviet military doctrine. It was built on the premise of the inevitability of World War III, in which we needed to have tens of millions of potential reservists. The main concept of this doctrine was that we always had more forces for rapid mobilization in Europe than the United States and its NATO satellites. Our army had to break through the front in a few weeks of enemy mobilization and reach potential defense lines by the time American units began to arrive in Europe. This strategy implied mass mobilization of the population and the use of significant human resources.

However, the world has changed. The Cold War is no longer so acute, and the threat of nuclear annihilation has significantly decreased after Scion's actions. In fact, the world has lost both the risk of mutual destruction and protection from local wars. Modern conflicts no longer involve the mass use of nuclear weapons. The most unlikely scenario has come true. The ability to conduct large-scale military operations using nuclear weapons has also decreased, since neither we nor our enemy can easily break through without massive tactical nuclear strikes. Now the world is on the threshold of new challenges, where long-term conflicts between two blocs are no longer a real threat.

In this new reality, military doctrine based on mass mobilization is no longer relevant. All major countries are in crisis, massive blocs are disintegrating and the conditions of conflicts are changing. We assume that if a new conflict were to occur, it would be short-lived and intense, or non-existent. The existing doctrine no longer fits the new conditions, and we must adapt to these changes.

In addition, the collapse of the Warsaw Pact has fundamentally changed our strategic landscape. We no longer need to maintain the same number of conscripts to fulfill our allied commitments. Reducing the length of service to 18 months will allow us to use our resources more efficiently and focus on training more highly qualified professional soldiers. We must also consider the social aspects: reducing the length of service will free up about seven hundred thousand young workers, who are sorely lacking in industry. Reducing military levies will also add up to fifteen working days per year for workers at enterprises.

Comrades, I urge you to support this decision. It is dictated by objective changes in world politics and the need to adapt our military strategy to new realities. We must keep up with the times and ensure the security of our Motherland based on modern conditions and capabilities…"

Speech by Defense Minister Vladimir Nikolaevich Lobov, stumbling and repetition of words excluded.

If you thought that madness was happening at the Congress on the first day, but now you have seen your mistake. Under the protection of your "assistant" in the person of Ksenia, aka Invincible, you were able to see both sides of this situation, without the risk of participating in a fight that began among the deputies. Again. On the one hand, the USSR did not have enough money. Current expenses were barely covered by loans and the sale of energy resources, while industrial modernization was lagging, and overall labor efficiency remained low. At the same time, mines were emptying, factories were becoming obsolete, and housing was falling into disrepair. The country needed simple solutions to its problems and "robbing the army" became the favorite game of the deputies. This solution sold very well to the citizens after Afghanistan.

On the other hand, everyone understood the general risks regarding the weakening of the army. No matter what anyone said, the USSR was within its old borders, the pro-Soviet coup in Romania, as well as the very existence of Yugoslavia were based on one indisputable fact - the fear of being crushed by the tracks of a Soviet tank. It did not matter that the army could not do it, what was important was the image and everyone was afraid of a repeat of the army violence like in Prague or Budapest. The USSR was a stool standing on the army, loans and the party. Three legs barely held the country up. Two legs could not have done it. The loans were secured by free trade zones and Gorbachev's personal authority for Western countries, the party was based on reforms, promises and Zarnitsa, and the army... The army was a fairly young bureaucrat-general who, translating from political language, asked not to destroy the army and was ready to cut off his hand to save his whole body.

It is clear that the conservatives immediately split and were unable to not only start a discussion, but generally come up with something to say. Apart from bold accusations of espionage and betrayal, as well as proposals to completely abolish the conscription army, nothing adequate was heard from this part of the political spectrum. This issue simply split the disorganized faction, so the groups began to look for tactical allies.

Other groups were just collecting their opinions when it was time for your report. After the speech of comrades from the Strategic Missile Forces, your side of the opinions about Scion was on the side. Not only as a minister, but as the largest, after the deceased Dmitry Vetrov, specialist in parahumans. You had a few speech ideas, but no full speech. You weren't prepared for the army to capitulate so quickly. You need to pick the accents you want to add. Your words won't change the USSR... but they can tip the scales.

You spend your political authority points to push through some decisions. The problem is that this is not a "your opinion is decisive" position. You are a representative of one of the "branches" of power who is simply expressing his opinion on this issue. 1 point of Political Authority reduces the DC by the same values for a 1d100 roll with a modifier (from other decisions at the Congress and hidden faction influence modifiers). Write how much Political Authority you spend on what actions.

Political authority: 114

[] Reduction of military conscription and reforms (DC 70/90/110/???/???/???). You support it yourself and throw several deputies into the breach in order to emphasize the influence of Scion and the Protectorate on modern world conflicts. You admit a simple and banal fact that must be hammered into the heads of as many delegates as possible: if Eidolon wants to destroy Moscow tomorrow, no one and nothing will be able to stop him except the Golden Man. The war has changed. The army must change. (Maybe reduce the deficit, maybe reduce corruption, maybe increase corruption)
[] Protect the army from robbery. (DC 50/75/90/???/???). At the moment, there will be several speeches and planning of the general budget in which the dismantling of the army industrial system will be guaranteed to begin. The great and huge Red Army can no longer be a literal state within a state. Everyone wants to have a hand in their resources, from the extraction of rare metals to scientific developments. The KGB, ministers, heads of large factories, the Academy of Sciences. And yet the army is strong, and Pugo is on the verge of coming to the aid of the Minister of Defense. Is it possible to push him to do this? (It may enrage conservatives, it may not please Westerners, it will certainly please the security forces, it may lead to an increase in political authority, it may provide new political contacts)
[] Army Looting. (DC 20/35/50/75/???/???/???/???). The army will be robbed and broken into its component parts, that's not up for discussion. It won't even be the first precedent in the history of the USSR, the great and terrible MGB, the legacy of Lavrentiy Beria, the monumental ministry combining everything from foreign intelligence and counterintelligence to construction brigades in Siberia, from the Gulag to the fight against corruption, was broken into its component parts and never put back together again. So, you could stick your hand deep into the corpse of the army and look for something interesting. Doesn't contradict the defense of the army from other scavengers by its nature. (Likely will lead to increased corruption, may reduce deficits, may bring in additional sources of resources, probably will not please anyone or may go unnoticed, potential very interesting things)


The second day brought many questions about the army, which indirectly touched on other ways of "seizing military territory". In this particular case, the topic concerned civil defense systems and, in general, preparing people for global crises. For many years, this system degraded day by day, little by little, until it became a mockery of a real preparedness system. This was helped by both the more peaceful rhetoric of the USSR in the 1970s and, in general, the general awareness of the threat of mutual nuclear destruction. The risk of direct nuclear bombing of Soviet cities fell, and therefore these things remained secondary.

However, the peculiarity of bureaucracy is that once created systems remain so for a very long time. The requirements for readiness for nuclear strikes laid down back in the 1950s turned out to be more demanding than it seems at first glance, requiring the construction of underground shelters in many unexpected places in the USSR, primarily near administrative buildings, factories and large residential complexes. These "shelters" were not always able to actually protect, but they were still equipped basem*nts, underground communications and even full-fledged concrete bunkers. In some cities like Vladivostok or Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) these systems were literally a small underground city, in others it was a disjointed system of shelters.

And yet the world has changed. Nuclear war is no longer a threat to us, and therefore the reformers and Westerners pulled out their man for a report. The USSR does not have enough space for anything. New resource distribution systems require space for the "commercial" needs of enterprises, factories want more warehouses and premises, even premises for state needs can be created from old military projects.

"Comrades, esteemed delegates,
Today, we gather to address a matter of paramount importance to the future of our great Union - the state of our construction sector and the urgent need to harmonize market elements within our socialist framework, particularly in the realm of housing construction.

Our nation stands at a critical juncture. The winds of Perestroika have brought about profound changes, stirring the very foundations of our economic and social structures. Yet, amidst these transformations, one thing remains constant—the undeniable need for every Soviet citizen to have access to decent housing. It is a fundamental right, a cornerstone of our socialist ideals, and a testament to our commitment to the welfare of the people.

However, comrades, it is with great concern that I must address the current shortcomings in our construction sector. Despite our ambitious goals, the pace of housing construction has been woefully insufficient. Our citizens continue to face long waiting lists, substandard living conditions, and the disheartening reality of overcrowded apartments. This is not the future we envisioned for our people, nor is it the legacy we wish to leave behind.

The introduction of market elements into our economic system has indeed brought about new challenges. The collision between these market dynamics and our housing construction efforts has exposed significant inefficiencies and a misallocation of resources. We must confront these issues head-on and steer our course towards a more balanced and equitable approach.

One of the most pressing debates before us today is the allocation of funds received from the demilitarization of our armed forces. This is a historic opportunity, comrades. The resources freed from military expenditure present us with a unique chance to invest in the future of our nation. But how shall we best utilize these funds? Some voices within our assembly advocate for directing these resources towards industrial buildings. While I understand the need for industrial growth and modernization, I must firmly oppose this stance.

The heart of our socialist values lies in serving the common people. Our Housing 2000 program is a testament to this commitment. This program, aimed at ensuring that every Soviet family has access to modern, comfortable housing by the year 2000, must be our top priority. Housing is not merely a matter of infrastructure; it is a matter of dignity, security, and social stability.

Comrades, we cannot afford to be short-sighted. Our people deserve more than just promises; they deserve tangible results. They deserve to see cranes lifting new apartments, families moving into their new homes, and communities thriving in well-planned, modern neighborhoods. This is our duty, our responsibility, and our path towards a brighter future.
Thank you."

Speech by Deputy Boris Yeltsin at the Congress of People's Deputies, 1994

Reformers and conservatives fought to the last for their political project - Housing 2000, a program for the resettlement of emergency and shared communal housing in the remaining five years. It was a utopia, but we were building a utopia, weren't we? In any case, you were called as an opponent with a report on the topic of converting military premises for civilian needs, given your experience in the subway dungeons and a massive project near Moscow State University. At the moment, no one has much experience in this area, and therefore many will look at your experience as optimal. What will you emphasize?

Conservatives do not want to spend any additional funds on the conversion of a large array of premises, many of which were never intended for long-term human occupancy. This is understandable logic, albeit largely based on the concept that instead of rebuilding what exists, it is better to build a few more standard houses. Extensive policy as it is, but conservatives without such logic would cease to be conservatives.

The power bloc is largely split, but they would like to conduct a general revision of all structures. Some should be removed from the state balance sheet, the rest should be converted into full-fledged military facilities. Along with the disappearance of the threat of a total nuclear war, the threat of full-fledged military conflicts has increased. At least for large and border cities, it is desirable to continue to have prepared shelters for the population.

Reformers and Westerners are united here, they want to cancel any current standards for the construction of shelters, and also transfer as many premises as possible to the needs of industry and the population. They believe that this path will allow the state to shed the burden of servicing empty and unoccupied spaces, and the rejection of requirements in transport and construction will greatly simplify the commissioning of new facilities. This is their way of combating the deficit.

Finally, the information that you reported to the deputies suddenly appears, but in the wrong context. Someone recalls the discussions of Jakarta and demands an assessment of how much the number of victims would have been reduced if the city had been equipped with fallout shelters. Several experts are called in, some even from your ministry. The answer is a significant reduction in the number of people. Even a simple thick layer of earth would have protected, together with air filters, from lethal doses of radioactive dust. Within a few weeks, the most dangerous particles would have disintegrated or been destroyed by the actions of people and parahumans, and therefore the mortality rate would have been several times, if not orders of magnitude lower, if the population had waited out the hardest days underground. This creates a solid basis for your speech.

Choose one option:
[] [Conservatives] - Bunkers are just a waste of resources. The state should really focus on what is already working well, instead of individually rebuilding or upgrading bunkers.
[] [Siloviki] - Military needs are still important for the country. You have taken only the most irrelevant premises in one of the most protected cities in the country. You should put more resources into protecting your population.
[] [Reformers + Westerners] - The joint project requires the transfer of premises into the hands of commercial structures and the population. You don't see a problem with this, pointing out that it's fairly easy to adapt the premises for offices with some internal reworking.
[] [Paralyalists] - You insist on returning to the 1930s. The state should not only invest in the revival of protective premises, but also prepare for the fact that new incredibly powerful parahumans will appear and burn down cities. We need new ways to protect the population and new civil defense, now from people with superpowers.


After lunch, everyone returned to work. The new problem began with the reading of five letters from young parahumans that someone had received without your Ministry's permission. You had to make more efforts to shut them up. This could be called a full-fledged blow to the gut, although it is probably just a project of someone from the security forces against you, the Ministry, or the government as a whole. Children are important, and so a stream of discussions begins.

Unfortunately, you know very little about underage parahumans in the USSR, but American statistics paint a frightening picture. A large number of them come from families in difficult circ*mstances. Poverty, single-parent families, domestic and sexual violence, school bullying, youth gangs, juvenile delinquency - this is far from a complete list of what the Wards program has to deal with. The Protectorate has supervision only over adult parahumans, or at least those who have reached 14 years of age, leaving younger people to local authorities. So, one way or another, you will have to create a separate program for supervision of minors as well. The discussion is divided into separate speeches by deputies on these issues.

"Do we really need a separate program, in essence? Even if we are talking about minor parahumans who are capable of destroying a building, do we have the moral right to treat them as a future resource?", one of the conservative deputies raises the topic in the discussion, "We definitely need to supervise them in order to protect them from participating in crime, but we should not take away their opportunity to live the ordinary life of Soviet children."

As expected from the conservatives, they simply do not want to spend more money than necessary. It is logical, given how large a budget they have agreed to for the construction of new housing. They need every Soviet ruble in the budget and they certainly do not intend to spend money on individual programs for several dozen or hundreds of children.

"Dear colleagues, allow me to disagree. These children, even if it was not their choice, have destructive and sometimes deadly forces under their control. They are literally children with weapons that we cannot take away. We cannot simply step aside. It is our duty as a state to teach them how to handle such force responsibly. We have experience with cadet schools, and we could very well adapt it to training parahumans."

And here are the actual organizers of this project, a delegate from the security forces, most likely from the KGB, but there may also be some local initiative. You have quite a lot of opponents against the background of significant influence, so personal hostility cannot be discounted.

"We should not militarize parahumans, and especially children. So cadet schools are completely unacceptable. However, the need to keep their identity secret is really necessary. So why don't we create a closed environment for growing parahumans in the form of a closed settlement in the outskirts of Moscow, where they can live with all the necessary conditions together with their families, surrounded by such parahuman children and receive an appropriate education?"

Perhaps it could work. Closed settlements were easy enough to control both in terms of censorship and internal information. People could not wear masks within a small community or group, but retain complete autonomy outside of it. No one would ask questions about why a native of a closed city talks little about his past.

"But why should we try to come up with something of our own, when the US already has its own successful Wards program, from which many young heroes of the American Protectorate came? Moreover, we can go further and take an international course, as we have already decided on the issue of granting citizenship. Look at Miss Militia - how is it not an exemplary example of the success of the American cape interception program around the world? We can introduce something similar in the USSR."

Despite the obvious desire to copy the West, you always made allowances for the fact that the vast majority of people who wanted to copy the best didn't even have a clear idea of how the West worked. You couldn't deny that parahumans were important in the new world and that the policy of migration into the US opened up new opportunities for them, but it was unlikely that the case of Miss Militia was somehow relevant here. However, you weren't asked and people had already begun to form opinions on the issues.

"All this special internal energy, the power of the sun or whatever it is called now, all this internal chakra is special for each person. Our internal positron-hormonal field forms special paths for some of us, which are unique and only with experience can we achieve better. We do not need schools or institutes, because we are talking about people's feelings rather than knowledge. What do we even know about powers? And the girl present here uses them every day. She does not need to know how she floats in the air to float. Practice is the criterion of truth, and therefore we need practical mentoring in which more experienced users of positron-hormonal fields, or if you like, parahumans, will instruct the younger generation as mentors."

Your first thought was simple - who released this psycho and where is his dose of medicine for severe schizophrenia. And only halfway through the conversation you saw that it was a respected academician, a doctor of physical sciences. The infection of Eastern esotericism has creeped into all levels of the Soviet Union, but you would not be yourself if you could not cleanse the nonsense from real words.

The academician quite logically noted that we know nothing about superpowers. Only experience allows people to use them better. No textbook will teach you better than practical application in the field. However, for deputies, you would sell esotericism.

Choose one option:
[] [Conservatives] - Preserve the opportunity for adolescent parahumans to have a normal childhood with minimal supervision on parahuman security issues.
[] [Siloviki] - A network of cadet schools for the education of future members of the Soviet Protectorate.
[] [Reformers] - A closed city in which parahuman children will have the opportunity to live with their families.
[] [Westerners] - An analogue of the Wards program for Soviet teenagers, borrowing from the American experience.
[] [Paraloyalists] - A mentoring program for Soviet teenage parahumans from existing parahumans.


In addition to the main Congress of People Deputies, a lot of politics happens behind closed doors. First of all, within the framework of specialized state committees and commissions, organizations that prepare reports on a variety of things. They provide information to the planning bodies, on the basis of which a general plan is formed. And even if the direction is now formed by delegates, the exact figures can float very much.

As a fairly influential minister with a very vague sphere of responsibility, you could bargain behind closed doors. In fact, you would take on additional responsibilities for your Ministry in exchange for obligations from individual officials and their patrons.

Of the five main factions, you could satisfy three. The Conservatives are too amorphous and cling to the status quo, and your ministry is too young and therefore is perceived by default as a violation of the status quo. You can hardly offer them anything. On the other hand, parahuman loyalists are loyal to you by default, and any measures to support them will not give you much result, but will only anger other factions. So, there are the pro-Western, reformers and finally the siloviki.

The siloviki are quite simple, and you understand their needs perfectly well. They want to strengthen the armed forces, especially now that nuclear weapons do not ensure the security of the Soviet Union. With the loss of the GDR and Poland, the current doctrine of the army is going down the drain, as are the huge projects of the past, and so they are saving everything they can. You could try to offer them something.

The Buran Program

The USSR space program is somewhat inferior to the American one, since the US actively uses the Space Shuttle. This immediately raised concerns that the US would launch space weapons into orbit using these shuttles. As a response to this, the Buran program was created, the first flight of which took place in 1989, but during the creation of this program, problems with its use for military purposes were revealed.

Currently, its use is limited to delivering astronauts into orbit to the Mir station. You could use Tinkers to upgrade the existing Buran shuttles, increasing their performance. This would nominally support the Soviet space program, but it is clear to everyone that this would make them a potential carrier of large-sized military cargo in orbit.

It is only a question of timing.

Choose one:
[] - Decline the offer. You have neither the resources nor the need to fulfill this obligation.
[] - Buran modification in one year. You will receive the [Buran Modification] project. +3 relations with siloviki. You will receive a large political authority bonus for completing the project on time. You will receive a political authority penalty for failing to complete the project in 5 years.
[] - Buran modification in three years. You will receive the [Buran Modification] project. +2 relations with siloviki. You will receive a moderate political authority bonus for completing the project on time. You will receive a political authority penalty for failing to complete the project in 5 years. You will receive a large penalty to your political authority if you do not complete the project in 5 years.
[] - Buran modification in five years. You will receive the [Buran modification] project. +1 relations with siloviki. You will receive a small bonus to political authority for completing the project on time. You will receive a penalty to your political authority for failing to complete the project on time. You will receive a large penalty to your political authority if you do not complete the project in 5 years.

"Laser Akula" Program

The Soviet Union can rightfully be proud of its mineral reserves. While the US had problems creating fighters with entirely titanium hulls due to a lack of titanium, the USSR made a project many times larger. The Akula series submarines, the largest underwater vessel in the world, with a hull made entirely of titanium alloy. Nothing is impossible when the USSR produces twice as much titanium as the rest of the world combined.

But Scion has made ICBMs ineffective, making submarines like these far less viable. Now they're hoping to turn them into mobile anti-satellite platforms with lasers that could appear anywhere in the world's oceans and destroy all the satellites above them. Current technology can't handle that, but what about technology beyond human understanding? You could help with that project.

But how many submarines do you want to convert?

Choose one:
[] - Decline the offer. You have neither the resources nor the need to work on this commitment.
[] - One Akula per three years. You will receive the [Akulas Modification] project. +1 relations with the siloviki. You will receive a small political authority bonus for completing the project on time. You will receive a political authority penalty for missing the deadline. You will receive a large political authority penalty if you do not complete the project in 5 years.
[] - Two Akulas per three years. You will receive the [Akulas Modification (Stage 1/2)] project. +2 relations with the siloviki. You will receive a moderate political authority bonus for completing the project on time. You will receive a political authority penalty for missing the deadline. You will receive a large political authority penalty if you do not complete the project in 5 years.
[] - Three Akulas per three years. You will receive the [Akulas Modification (Stage 1/3)] project. +3 relations with the siloviki. You will receive a large political authority bonus for completing the project on time. You will receive a political authority penalty for missing the deadline. You will receive a large political authority penalty if you do not complete the project in 5 years.

The second group you will deal with are representatives of pro-Western groups, which can be found even in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. It is difficult for you to offer them anything, since most of the things they want are outside your responsibility. How can you increase the level of liberalization in the USSR and expand freedom of the media? However, you can still make some adjustments to the work of the ministry that are of interest to them.

The Parahuman Trust Program

One of the programs between the USSR and the USA aimed at ensuring mutual trust between major powers is the Open Skies Treaty - allowing foreign aircraft to fly over the military complexes of the other side to be sure that there is no intention to launch a surprise attack. Most European countries, Turkey and Canada are currently participating in this program. We could offer something similar regarding parahumans.

The American and Soviet Protectorates agree to allow foreign inspections of parahuman bases to ensure that they are not militarized. This will serve as a kind of proof that we are not preparing a parahuman army to take over Washington, and the Americans are not planning the same with Moscow. Of course, this is more of a symbolic gesture, since the US has the Tetrarchy, capable of launching terror against any place in the world at any time, and we continue illegal operations in Afghanistan.

Nevertheless, the offer is interesting.

Choose one:
[] - Refuse the offer. You have neither the resources nor the need to work on this commitment.
[] - Initiate the implementation of the program. You will receive the [Parahuman Trust Program] project. +1 relations with the Westerners. You will receive a large penalty in political authority if you do not complete the project in 5 years.
[] - Initiate the implementation of the program and support its expansion to countries friendly to the USSR. You will receive the [Parahuman Trust Program (Stage 1/2)] project. +2 relations with the Westerners. You will receive a moderate penalty to the political project if the project is not fully completed. You will receive a large penalty to political authority if the project is not completed within 5 years.

Oversight of Soviet Nuclear Power Plants

The problems at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant caused a wave of panic around the world, although in the end, thanks to Scion, everything ended well, and Chernobyl and Pripyat are once again populated cities, since the two units of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant are still working for the benefit of the country. Numerous conclusions have been made regarding the safety of operating RBMK reactors, which makes it possible to prevent similar situations in the future. Now only a few alarmists raise this issue.

However, the conversion of nuclear reactors was never carried out for a number of reasons. The main one is that it is quite problematic to carry out work inside a working nuclear reactor, which already contains a lethal dose of radiation for humans, and conservative work only reduces the risks, but cannot change the already completed and irradiated reactor. Fortunately, the presence of parahumans and connections to the American Protectorate allow you to bypass some fundamental limitations.

So what will you do?

Choose one:
[] - Refuse the offer. You have neither the resources nor the need to work on this obligation.
[] - Refurbishment of the nuclear power plant within one year. You will receive the [Refurbishment of the nuclear power plant] project. +3 relations with the Westerners. You will receive a large bonus to political authority for completing the project on time. You will receive a penalty to political authority for failing to meet the deadline. You will receive a large penalty to political authority if you do not complete the project in 5 years.
[] - Nuclear power plant conversion within three years. You will receive the [Nuclear Power Plant Conversion] project. +2 relations with the Westerners. You will receive a moderate political authority bonus for completing the project on time. You will receive a political authority penalty for missing the deadline. You will receive a large political authority penalty if you do not complete the project within 5 years.
[] - Nuclear power plant conversion within five years. You will receive the [Nuclear Power Plant Conversion] project. +1 relations with the Westerners. You will receive a large political authority bonus for completing the project on time. You will receive a political authority penalty for missing the deadline. You will receive a large political authority penalty if you do not complete the project within 5 years.

The third group with whom you could reach an agreement is the most problematic. Not because of their hostility, but rather because of the lack of unifying aspirations, beyond the most general ideas. The reformers want economic improvement of the USSR and a solution to the long-standing problems that the previous decades of the Soviet government led to. But what exactly do they want? Here it is much more difficult to point to something specific. However, even so, you could do something.

Solving the Aral Sea Problem.

The Aral Sea is one of the largest lakes in the USSR, located in Central Asia. The rivers flowing into this lake are the most important sources of irrigation for southern Central Asia. And the active development of cotton, vegetable and fruit production in the past decades, together with weak environmental supervision of water consumption, have led to the Aral Sea gradually becoming shallower.

The number of problems that this threatens is difficult to list. Sandstorms saturated with toxic chemical salts. Significantly simplified access to the former biological weapons testing ground. Deterioration of the environmental situation in the region. Destruction of the economy of adjacent territories. Needless to say, there are many projects to solve this problem?

But how many of these projects do you want to carry out?

Choose one:
[] - Refuse the offer. You have neither the resources nor the need to work on this commitment.
[] - Small Aral Sea Support Plan. You will receive a series of projects to resolve the Aral Sea issue. You will be required to complete at least one project within five years. +1 Reformer Relationship. After completing the project, you will receive a small Political Authority bonus. You will receive a large Political Authority penalty if you do not complete the project within 5 years.
[] - Moderate Aral Sea Support Plan. You will receive a series of projects to resolve the Aral Sea issue. You will be required to complete at least two projects within five years. +2 Reformer Relationship. After completing the project, you will receive a moderate Political Authority bonus. You will receive a large Political Authority penalty if you do not complete the project within 5 years.
[] - Large Aral Sea Support Plan. You will receive a series of projects to resolve the Aral Sea issue. You will be required to complete at least three projects within five years. +3 Reformer Relationship. After completing the project, you will receive a large Political Authority bonus. You will receive a large Political Authority penalty if you do not complete the project within 5 years.

Soviet Electron-Positron Collider

The Soviet Union is rightly proud of its achievements in physics and particle research. However, the international United States currently has a superior ability to study such particles, thanks to a massive particle accelerator 6.28 kilometers long. And in Switzerland, an even more massive device is being laid down, although no one knows when it will be finished.

You could support the creation of a Soviet alternative somewhere near Dubna, Moscow Oblast. Although Tinkertech is too unreliable to work on such things, you could still offer parahuman assistance in another very problematic task - laying such huge underground utilities, a real nightmare for any surveyor, and also ensuring a level of precision in installing equipment that is impossible in any other way. Of course, you will not carry out this project entirely yourself, but its initial phase will be the responsibility of your ministry.

Choose one:
[] - Decline the offer. You do not have the resources or the need to work on this obligation.
[] - Underground work completed in five years. You will receive the [Underground Works in Dubna] project. +1 relations with the reformers. You will receive a minor political authority bonus for completing the project on time. You will receive a political authority penalty for failing to complete the project within 5 years. You will receive a major political authority penalty if you do not complete the project within 5 years.
[] - Complete underground works in three years. You will receive the [Underground Works in Dubna] project. +2 relations with the reformers. You will receive a moderate political authority bonus for completing the project on time. You will receive a political authority penalty for missing the deadline. You will receive a large political authority penalty if you do not complete the project in 5 years.
[] - Complete underground works in a year. You will receive the [Underground Works in Dubna] project. +3 relations with the reformers. You will receive a large political authority bonus for completing the project on time. You will receive a political authority penalty for missing the deadline. You will receive a large political authority penalty if you do not complete the project in 5 years.


Due to the size of the update, it took a lot of time to write, but now you can read it. There is a lot of fiction and a lot of important choices. So I am introducing a moratorium on voting for 24 hours so that you can discuss your options and prepare plans. And yes, you should vote with plans.

Also, comments with an assessment of the update would be highly desirable.

The Great Cape Leap [Worm Soviet PRT Planquest] Superhero (2024)


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.